and the bees
One of B-girl's reading assignments this past week was to bring a book home
from the school library and read it to her family,
that being me.
She read the book, titled Cranes, very well.
She read the part about cranes, their tall bodies and where they live.
She read the part about cranes and how they sleep.
She read the part about cranes and how they eat.
Then she stopped at the part about cranes and how they communicate when they are ready to mate. (yes second grade).
"Mom what is mating?"
(Oh great another B-girl inquisition is about to begin)
"Well it is what the cranes do when they have decided to have baby cranes."
"Do all animals mate?"
"If they wish for their species to rock on."
"Do people mate?"
(Oh how I knew this was coming. Okay age appropriate...age appropriate... what did my friends with older kids tell their kids? Wait just one minute...I have no freakin' idea what my friends told their kids.)
"Yes honey they do"
"What kind of people mate? Are they boys and girls?"
"NO NO NO. They are not boys and girls. They are grown men and women who have finished college and have their careers established who fall in love, GET MARRIED, spend five years traveling and getting to know each other and then decide to have children once they are financially stable. "
"Huh? Mom that is dating and getting married but what is mating?"
"Mating is when the married people decide to have children."
"Do people mate before they get married"
"No absolutely not"
(You will do as I say not as I have done)
"Okay but do the cranes get married before they mate?"
(I suppose I have be logical here, but I know this kid and there is only one answer that will suffice. And she's still only seven so...)
"Yes they have big crane weddings, usually at the lake and invite all their relatives and friends for the big wedding party"
"Oh that's good. Do they mate after the wedding?"
"Most likely, unless they are too busy looking at all the gifts"
"Do all animals have wedding parties before they mate?"
"Yes. Yes they do"
"That's nice."
"It sure is."
So now my child will attend school convinced all living things have big wedding parties, by the lake, before they mate.
Anybody got
a parental guidebook
I can borrow
for the next
eleven years
or so?