Last night.
The B-girl was watching American Idol Gives Back
(yeah I know but she is doing so well in first grade).
I was in the kitchen, cleaning the sink.
I could hear the contestants singing a song together.
Then I hear B-girl say
"That's just wrong."
"What could be wrong? I say "Sanjaya got voted off last week"
She says
"No Mom, you have to come here and see this."
I say
"I am busy. Just tell me what's going on."
She says
"Well, they are all dressed from head to toe in white."
I ask
"So what's the problem?"
She says,
It isn't even
Memorial Day yet!"
B-girl's fashion sense aside, it was nice to see the fund-raising effort on the Idol show last night for poverty-stricken kids in Africa...and here at home!