bustedSo, a few days ago I got a phone call at work from the school secretary and it went like this...
Secretary (who happens to be an
"Hi. First things first. B-girl is not feeling well and wants you to come and pick her up.
Now. There is another matter. B-girl has a cell phone with her today."
"Yes I know. Isn't it cute? It is a Firefly phone and she uses it to call me from latchkey in the afternoon. "
"Oh it's cute but the phone is not allowed at school. It's policy."
"I know. I know. She doesn't take it out until she gets to latchkey. "
"Did you read the school handbook?"
"Yes. Of course. (followed by the hesitation of trying to remember what the handbook even looks like)
I believe I glanced through it a couple of times."
"Well, district policy states that children at the elementary level are not allowed to bring electronic devices of any kind onto school property."
"Oh my! I must have missed that section."
"Well since you are coming to get her I will leave it in her backpack, but normally it would be confiscated by the principal. The principal does want this to be her verbal warning though. "
"Verbal warning! What? You're kidding!"
"No I'm sorry. It's policy."
"I will make sure she doesn't bring it to school. "
"Good. B-girl is such a good student and I don't want her to get into any trouble. "
On the way to the school I recalled telling the teacher that my daughter had a phone that is not to come out of her backpack at school. The teacher did not tell me the phone was contraband but she did tell B-
girl to leave it in her pack at all times.
I decided not tell the secretary the teacher knew about it because I did not want the teacher to get in any trouble.
When I picked the B-
girl up she wasn't feeling well but she did ask me why I did not tell her that cell phones were illegal.
I told her the truth.
I hadn't read the school p
acket well enough and just didn't realize.
The B-girl
response:"Mom next time be more careful. This could go on my permanent record!"
Me, delighted by the fact that in first grade she even understands that she has a permanent record, said
"I promise.
As soon as we get home I will read that book cover to cover."
and I did.